
Welcome to the Georgia Solar Energy Industries Association (GASEIA) webpage. Our mission is to serve the community solar industry via government affairs, public relations and coalition building for shared goals among solar providers. Please visit our Policy and Media page to see videos, events and articles featuring exciting projects in Georgia. If your company or organization is interested in becoming a member, click on the Membership page

Georgia has consistently ranked top-10 for solar production and advancement over many years, and it is one of the fastest growing economies in America. Our state is also facing an energy shortage due to its unparalleled growth. Solar is the cheapest form of energy in Georgia and community solar is the most cost-efficient way to deliver more power to our citizens and organizations. Community solar arrays are typically 1-6-megawatt facilities that cause no disruption. The small footprint and cost savings for customers make it one of the more attractive options to increase energy capacity in communities all over Georgia.

Issues and Impact

Georgia SEIA supports the growth of all solar in Georgia but most of our members are focused on community solar. Community solar is the cheapest form of energy in Georgia and the most efficient way to deliver it. In 2024, there were four hearings held on the creation of a community solar market in Georgia to compliment an already resilient energy grid via House Bill 1152 and Senate Bill 210. House Energy, Utilities, and Telecommunications Chairman Don Parsons created the Ad Hoc Committee on Community Solar at the end of session with hearings to be held in 2024, prior to the 2025 session. Please see industry issues below:

  • Solar regulatory issues and Georgia Power’s Integrated Resource Plan 

  • Legislation to create a community solar market for consumer savings 

  • Decommissioning of solar projects 

  • Advocacy for consumer protection 

The impact of community solar could be immense for Georgia. Please see some of the benefits of community solar and why Georgia needs more of it:

  • Solar energy is the cheapest form of energy in Georgia

  • Allows for private investment money to fund infrastructure improvements

  • Expands customer choice for lower-cost energy 

  • Generates income and financial security for rural and urban landowners

  • Creates American jobs and boosts local economies

  • Creates commercial tax income for local governments 

  • Increases national security by making America energy independent

  • Strengthens energy grid resiliency

  • Small 1-6-megawatt footprint accommodates any community in Georgia 

  • Little to no environmental impact, smaller projects that are easier to manage