Over 120 Guests & Policy Makers Attend Sold Out “State of Solar in Georgia” Forum at Georgia Tech
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Atlanta, GA - July 17, 2023 – The Georgia Solar Energy Industries Association (GASEIA) held “The State of Solar in Georgia: A Policy & Economic Forum” at the Kendeda Building on the campus of Georgia Tech on July 12. The event was cohosted with Conservatives for Clean Energy Georgia. Panelists included Georgia Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols, Georgia Tech’s Dr. Matt Oliver, Bob Sherrier with Southern Environmental Law Center, Conservative Energy Network CEO John Szoka, Coalition for Community Solar Access’s Elizabeth Van Holt, Georgia SEIA consultant Scott Thomasson, Georgia Tech’s Richard Gruber, Georgia Department of Economic Development’s Barton Lowrey, and SolAmerica Energy CEO Tully Blalock.
“I first want to thank all of our panelists, sponsors, Drew Kann of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and the amazing staff at Georgia Tech. I thought the input from panelists and discussion provided by Kann made this a very positive step forward for the industry,” said GASEIA President Pete Corbett. “We filmed this to be shared with policy makers and interested parties around the state. We look forward to sharing the facts about solar and how it continues to drive down costs for consumers and provide choice. Solar energy is the cheapest form of energy in Georgia, and has brought billions in economic development to over 80 counties across the state.”
State Senator Sonya Halpern reflected, "The dynamic discourse among policymakers, academics, consultants, and industry thought leaders has been an enriching experience in our pursuit of the truth about Georgia's solar energy landscape. There is a need for diverse and unbiased sources of information that go beyond regulatory bodies or those competing with solar companies.”
Halpern further encouraged her legislative peers to review the recently released film footage, describing it as a comprehensive overview of Georgia's solar energy journey – both its past and the necessary future. "This illuminating discussion underscores our commitment to provide the best for our ratepayers," she added.
Supporting her words with action, Halpern highlighted her co-sponsorship of Senate Bill 210, saying, "This bill is an essential step in advancing solar energy, the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly form of energy available to us in Georgia."
Click here for July 12th Media Guide.
The Georgia Solar Energy Industries Association (GASEIA) is a statewide, non-profit trade organization representing the interests of the 200+ solar companies located throughout the state. GASEIA serves as the voice for Georgia’s solar industry, working to remove market barriers, engage in solar outreach and education, and expand solar markets. GASEIA seeks to encourage the widespread use of solar energy and maintain Georgia's position as a top state in the solar industry.
GASEIA proudly serves the 5,000 Georgians working in the solar industry and supports a statewide industry that generates approximately hundreds of millions of dollars in investments each year. GASEIA's diverse membership ranges from educational organizations to solar developers, engineers, distributors, and financiers. Members conduct business in-state, nationally, and abroad, with individually-owned groups and large solar organizations represented. GASEIA the state affiliate for the national solar trade organization, SEIA.
For More Information Contact:
Steve Butler